"Paradise Plagued" Reviewed...Check out what readers are saying!


Fall is rapidly approaching and I am challenging myself to have the second installment of the Court of Mystery saga done by the end of 2018. Originally, I had planned to have the next book released in early 2019, but I’ve already made such good progress on it that I am confident I can deliver a worthy follow-up to Paradise Plagued before the year is out.

How are you all enjoying the “new” series? I’ve had a bunch of readers ask me why the series change, and the answer comes down to this: the Duchess has entered a new, darker phase of her reign and it deserves something more mature and meaningful. While still up to her old tricks of sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong, Jax has some more heavy concerns weighing on her shoulders. The crown only continues to get heavier…

Check out what readers are saying about Paradise Plagued and please add your own thoughts to the mix on Amazon and Goodreads!

Same Queen, New Series

“As a reader of the first series, The Ducal Detective (Ducal Detective Mysteries), I've grown accustomed to the author's ability to spin a story and deep dive on character development within a 300 or so page limit. With Court of Mystery we're seeing longer stories filled with the same detail that made the first series so great. So, while most of my previous reviews focused on the pace at which one can read a book, the graduation of the series opens us up to a complex story that lets you dig in and learn who the new characters are. The main benefit in this is that many supporting characters from the first series are brought back through plot lines that tie various characters together. Therefore, you really start to understand the complex hierarchy of the royal lines in the Realm of Virtues and appreciate the way in which they were and are introduced to pull a series together. The author has really hit on something interesting in that we are almost getting two stories for one with this book. Not only are characters developed and tied to the theme of the new series, but they are also tied to the mystery in the story we are reading. Overall, as a reader, this works really well for me as I'm used to complex reads that jump stories, characters, and even worlds all while trying to tell the same story. I can't wait to read about what happens next! “ - 5-star Amazon review

Another Great Adventure for Jax and the Gang

“What a great read! Well thought out and well written. Another interesting murder for Jax and the gang. Lots of twists and turns with a surprising and satisfying conclusion that I didn't see coming.” - 5-star Amazon review

Pick up Paradise Plagued today on eBook or in paperback!

Arms around,



The Next Court of Mystery Novel is Coming December 2018


Paradise Plagued, the first novel in the Court of Mystery series, is here!